5 Great Ways To Improve Your Website's Speed And Web Traffic In Less Than 10 Mins

Depositphotos 51050399 s 2015 min

Here is the big catch: 

For your website to load faster, it has to complete loading within 5 seconds or less. 
Why does this matter? 
It affects your visitors' conversion rates and search engine optimization. If your site is taking some time to load, there is something wrong, and will explain the reasons and how to fix it?
Most visitors will leave your website when it takes more than 5 seconds or more to load
We recommend using "Google PageSpeed's Tool" for your website's speed test and displays a score based on the speed result
All the tools listed in this article are free

Depositphotos 63050977 s 2015 min

1. The Website's Images Size Optimization

Most high-resolution images take some time to display on the website and can slow down the site's performance. The larger the photo, the longer it will take to load on your website. 
The best part is there is always a way to reduce the image size by shrinking the image. For our website www.akolagtech.com, we leverage image optimizing tool;

our best pick are:

  • "Website Planet online png and jpeg compression" compress your PNG/JPG files up to 80% and retain full transparency, one of our favorite, this actually compress the image more than the other listed below and best part, it is free
  • "Online Image Optimizer."It is easy to use; upload your photo and watch the tool reduces the size and still keep the quality result.
  • Another interesting site that you can leverage is "Website Speed Test." Website Speed Test will analyze a website's images and provides a ranking for a variety of pictures and also provides an option to download the optimized image for free.

2. Use A Simplistic Website Theme Designer 
The website's theme is the best part of the site, don't we all love an attractive theme, but here is the unpleasant part, what is appealing about a beautiful template if it takes longer to load and deter visitors away from your website. The advice is to adopt a simple model design, with fewer graphics and less complex code.  Anything that can slow down or get in the way of your visitors during browsing should be avoided especially adopting a fancy theme. Moreover, do not make your website complicated with graphics that have lots of graphics, javascript, complex CSS and fonts. The purpose of this article is to improve your website speed, improve web traffics and a better website ranking in Google search engine.

3. Leverage browser caching
Browser caching allows your website to speed up the load if you enable caching from the frontend side. For WordPress user, please follow the step on Wordpress website here
For server-side caching, most hosting providers make sure that it is enabled.
The best part is by enabling caching; it will decrease the time it takes for repeat visitors to load your website. 

4. Compress Your Website With Gzip
When you enable gzip compression on your website, it expedites page's load times of the site and saves on bandwidth. The biggest take is that gzip works by shrinking your files into a zip file, which is faster for the user’s browser to display.
However, your visitor browser then unzips the files and displays the content of the site. Gzip is the method of converting material from the server to the browser more effective and conserves a lot of time.
Wait how do you enable this for your site? 
To enable gzip copy and paste these content to your .htaccess, this file is usually found under /path-to-your-web/.htaccess
# compress text, html, javascript, css, xml:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
# Or, compress certain file types by extension:
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Once you enable the gzip, you can check if this is working by visiting here and enter your website URL

In addition to this, the following resource from GTmetrix is useful for understanding what rules you will want to put in place.


5. Website's Broken Links
Broken links on the site are very annoying to visitors and discourage users from visiting your website. 
One way to remove the broken link is to utilize a redirect. A redirect is when a guest visits a web page URL, and it changes to a different URL. 
Here is an example, if someone visits "www.example.com/page-1" in their browser and they are redirected to "www.example.com/page-2" instead. 
There are free plugins for WordPress, Joomla, and other content management systems. 
Wait; I understand you are eager to know more, for Cpanel user here is the link to set up a redirect for your Cpanel account
Even better, this site has full details about the redirect, and please check it out

The five steps we discussed above should improve your website by 70 to 90% and should start noticing the effects 

Optional: For further details about other means of enhancing your site's speed, please visit this site here

  • website, websites, improvement, speeds, website speeds, website low speed, increase traffics, web design
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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