Website security protection (SPAM, SSL, Website security & malware protection)


AkolagTech is very proactive in making sure our clients' data are secure and protected. It is our responsibility to protect our clients' hosting account, our servers. Security is our top priority and we take the necessary steps to provide the best security protection to our customers and partners.

To learn more about How secure is my important data? click here

These are our security protection solutions


  • We offer free anti-spam protection, 
  • An AI(Artificial intelligent) cloud-based anti-spam blocker, and there is no need for security questions, Captcha or ReCaptcha, or other kinds of spam protection.
  • This service is free to our clients that subscribe to our hosting plan and services
  • For more infomation please click here for How to protect your website from advanced spammers and hackers?


We have both free and paid SSL certificates and our default is free as we want all our hosting clients to have a secure website, paid is more for commercial purpose. If your business/brand needs SSL cert that has trusted seal.  Brands like Symantec, RapidSSL, and GeoTrust, DigiCert provides the world's premier high-assurance digital certificates.

  • Free SSL certificate (Let's Encrypt)
    • We offer free SSL certificate web/email hosting plan for safe browsing 
    • This is good for protecting data at the encryption level(in transit protection) for your website visitors from hackers but does not guard against spammers
  • Paid SSL certificate


  • security, security protection, website security, antivirus, malware, malware protection
  • 3 Users Found This Useful
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