
 AkolagTech Client's On-boarding process - How do I sign up for AkolagTech Client's Portal And more?

AKOLAGTECH'S CLIENT ONBOARDING PROCESS Thanks for signing up for our service, solution or...

 AkolagTech Hosting Platform Tutorial (Web, Email, Cloud) info

How to log-in and navigate through the hosting platform  Access to your product and services...

 AkolagTech hosting platform login and navigation - Video

How to log-in and navigate to AkolagTech platform video tutorial 


ABOUT THE HOSTING PLATFORM AkolagTech hosting platform for SME/SMB, developers (web developers,...

 How do I send PHP mail via SMTP or with my cPanel email?

How Do I Send PHP Mail via SMTP or with My cPanel Email? How do I send PHP mail using my cPanel...

 How do I upgrade my services, hosting plan, buy more resources such as storage, bandwidth, place a new order and more?

To upgrade my service, hosting plan, buy more resources such as storage, bandwidth, place a new...

 How to Access cPanel Webmail or cPanel Webmail Login?

This tutorial, you will learn how to access your cPanel Webmail account's from single sign-on and...

 How to access AkolagTech's cPanel and single sign-on

Thanks for signing up for our hosting platform, we make your hosting with us simple. AkolagTech...

 How to sign up for AkolagTech hosting plan - Video

How to sign up for AkolagTech hosting plan?Video Tutorial on how to sign up for hosting plan

 How would i create and access my email account for my hosting plan/cPanel - with web browser, mail client or mobile phone?

1. How do I create an email account? Note: These steps can be skipped if you already created...

 My website is not working on http, but works only https, how do I redirect http to https

Why my website is not displaying the pages:  Example when I type http://domain.com it only...