Dedicated server, dedicated resources, cpu, memory, storage, bandwidth

web hosting, app hosting, dedicated resources, Linux VPS

Dedicated Hosting - VPS Linux (cPanel)

Need a dedicated resources(CPU, memory, storage) hosting without sharing and host multiple websites, this is the plan for you
Host multiple websites, application and more without restriction

  • Customized Dedicated hosting Plan
  • From 25GB to 320GB Disk Space
  • From 1 VCPU to 6 VCPU CPU
  • From 1GB to 16GB Memory
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Parked Domains
  • Unlimited Addon Domains
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • Free Domain
  • - For control panel included in the price (this is needed for cPanel, we can remove this if its not needed) cPanel
  • Linux OS
  • Technical Support
  • Please contact us if you need other customization