Website backup/hosting account and recovery from cPanel - Free


You can backup and restore your website's files, home directory/folder, databases, emails from your cPanel account, Your plan is equipped to take full or partial backup of your website and restore a partial backup. For full backup restore please reach out to AkolagTech's support team as stated below

There is no fee to take a backup from your cPanel account, however, it is not an automated backup

If you are looking for an automated backup(CodeGuard website backup) and more please click here for more info. To order CodeGuard's website backup click here

We recommend that you backup your website before regularly  

How do I backup my website from my cPanel?

  1. Please follow the tutorial on how to access AkolagTech cPanel by clicking here
  2. Under cPanel page navigate to Backup or Backup Wizard - cPanel >> Home >> FILES >> Backup or Backup Wizard)

To take a backup of your cPanel account by following these steps below:

  1. (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Backup Wizard)
  2. The Backup Wizard interface allows you to back up all or part of your website, or to restore it from the most recent backup
  3. To create a full backup file, perform the following steps:
  4. From the main Backup Wizard interface, click Back Up. The Full or Partial Backup section of the interface will appear.
  5. Click Full Backup. The Download section of the interface will appear.
  6. Select one of the following destinations from the Backup Destination menu:
  7. Home Directory — Select this option to save the backup file on the server.
    1. Note: This can take some storage space on your hosting account, would recommend to download the copy and save it safe somewhere if the backup is big to save storage space
  8. Note: File is saved on your cPanel home directory, once the file has been saved you can download the compressed file once it's finished
  9. How to download the full backup from your cPanel account
    1. If you click on the ‘Download’ button, the backup will be downloaded to your local machine.
    2. You will need this downloaded file to be uploaded to your web hosting Cpanel (AkolagTech) in case you need a restore
    3. Perform one of the following actions to configure notifications for this backup file:
      1. To receive a notification when the backup process finishes, enter your email address in the Email Address text box.
      2. To disable notifications, select the Do not send email notification of backup completion checkbox. 

How to restore the backup?

  • From cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Backup Wizard
  • From the main Backup Wizard interface, click Restore. 
    • Select Restore Type:
    • This feature allows you to select what to restore.
    • Home Directory - For the root/home folder of your website
    • MySQL Databases, - for databases restore
    • Email Forwarders & Filters - For email restore
    • This feature allows you to upload an existing partial backup file in order to restore parts of your website.
  • For a full backup restoration, please reach out to AkolagTech's support team by submitting a support ticket, click here to submit a ticket
    • Note: You can only do a partial restore from your cPanel, for the full backup, reach out to Akolagtech's tech team 

From your cPanel account, the system will restore the following items if they exist in the backup file:

  •     The home directory.
  •     MySQL® databases.
  •     Email forwarder configurations.
  •     Email filter configurations.
  • backup cpanel, backup data, backup website, restore cpanel
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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