
How to move your web or email hosting Cpanel from the existing provider to AkolagTech 

Note: These steps are related to Cpanel https://cpanel.com hosting platform
Please follow the steps below

Taking a backup of your existing Cpanel hosting account

  • Confirm that your hosting provider uses Cpanel platform 
  • Log into your Cpanel hosting account
  • Take a backup of your Cpanel account by following these steps below:
    • (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Backup Wizard)
    • The Backup Wizard interface allows you to back up all or part of your website, or to restore it from the most recent backup
  • To create a full backup file, perform the following steps:
    • From the main Backup Wizard interface, click Back Up. The Full or Partial Backup section of the interface will appear.
    • Click Full Backup. The Download section of the interface will appear.
    • Select one of the following destinations from the Backup Destination menu:
    • Home Directory — Select this option to save the backup file on the server.
    • Note: File is saved on your Cpanel home directory, once the file has been saved you can download the compressed file once it’s finished
    • If you click on the ‘Download’ button, the backup will be downloaded to your local machine.
    • You will need this downloaded file to be uploaded to your new web hosting Cpanel (AkolagTech)
    • Perform one of the following actions to configure notifications for this backup file:
    • To receive information when the backup process finishes, enter your email address in the Email Address text box.
    • To disable notifications, select the Do not send an email notification of backup completion checkbox.

How to transfer or upload your existing Cpanel hosting file to our (akolagtech hosting) platform?

  • Note: Need to first sign up for our web hosting plan before you can upload files
  • Log into your new AkolagTech Cpanel hosting account
  • Upload your existing Cpanel backup to your New Cpanel account(AkolagTech) by following these steps below:
  • (cPanel >> Home >> Files >>File Manager )
    • From the top menu click of your new hosting File Manager click on Upload >> Select file and select the newly downloaded backup file from your existing hosting account.
    • You should see the uploaded file in your new account (AkolagTech) home directory.
    • Contact AkolagTech Support team or email or open a ticket for our tech personnel to restore the uploaded backup to your new account.
    • Once the backup has been restored, we will notify you via email or phone call.